blog · · mastodon
Hello, I’m Andy and I’m a software developer. I enjoy taking photos in my spare time.
some things I made
- Tin Whistle Tab Creator: client-side app for creating music tabs for tin whistles, stored locally in the browser.
- Field of View Calculator: simple app for sim racers to help determine mathematically correct field of view.
- Stack Merge: a client-side app for merging a stack of photos using a median algorithm, so only the parts of a photo that are the same in most of them end up in the output.
- Dot Matrix: client-side app for generating large dot versions of input images, like this example (based on this original image).
- Unicode Character Database: like the name says: search or browse Unicode characters.
- CHBS Passphrase Generator: generates random passphrases based on the xkcd ‘correct horse battery staple’ comic.
- Simon: simple colour light matching game.
- QuickSlide: quick and easy popup image viewer.
- Guild Bounty Tracker: tool for helping guilds during Bounty missions in Guild Wars 2.
- MeasureMeasure: bookmarklet for calculating the average measure of a given paragraph element on any page.
And a bunch of other random stuff
- 404.html
- 502.html
- 50x.html
- audioclick.html
- azerothin5.html
- bible-weirdness.html
- bloodstone-fen-books.html
- blues_name.html
- blurbg.html
- books_to_read.html
- bounty_monitor.html
- box-sizing.html
- cdc.html
- clickhandler.html
- clock.html
- code_topographer.html
- compose-key.html
- couchto5k.html
- entify.html
- exploremipsum.html
- forgeworthy.html
- googleb1753dc36b2a74ce.html
- index.html
- intervalalerter.html
- intervalbeeper.html
- intervals.html
- listmaker.html
- metronome.html
- monospace.html
- new_pc.html
- nice_primaries.html
- noise.html
- otherthing.html
- privacypolicy.html
- pulsooth_fs.html
- pulsooth.html
- purity.html
- recapper.html
- shakesult.html
- silverline-effects.html
- simon6.html
- simple.html
- sleep.html
- smallcapper.html
- speak.html
- spectrum.html
- spoilur.html
- symbols.html
- texttransform.html
- thewasteland.html
- tonegen.html
- typographysnob.html
- unicode.html
- webcam.html
- workout.html
- xhrload.html